Meet The Space Edu Team of 2023

MSc candidate, University of Napoli Federico II
Ivonne Anastasio
I am attending the first year of Master’s degree at the faculty of Chemical Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II.

PhD student, University of Napoli Federico II
Nafiou Arouna
My research focuses on the impact of light spectrum on the growth and yield of plants as well as the nutritional and nutraceutical qualities of edible products, in order to define the optimal spectral composition in the view of their integration in Bioregenerative Life Support Systems (BLSSs)

BSc student, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
David Atanasoski
I am a BSc student in Computer Technologies and Engineering and my interest are Computer Engineering, Robotics, Software Development, Machine Learning.

BSc student, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Natasa Bogoevska
I am a BSc student in Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, in Telecommunications and Information Engineering. My interest are Telecommunications and Information engineering, and Moon Communications.

BSc student, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Emilija Chona
I am a BSc student in Telecommunications and Information Engineering and research assistant at WIN Group, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, UKIM. My interests are Telecommunications and Information Engineering - Space Communications.

PhD student, University of Napoli Federico II
Stefania Cozzolino
I am a PhD student at the Department of Agricultural Sciences. I am scholar of MELiSSA Project (Micro-Ecological Life Support System Alternative Project) and my interests are Plant Root Zone Characterization and Modelling.

PhD student, University of Napoli Federico II
I am a PhD student at the Department of Agricultural Sciences. I study the effect of different types/levels of cosmic radiation on plant value as a bio-regenerator of resources in Bioregenerative Life Support Systems and investigating the mechanisms for radioresistance.

PhD, University of Napoli Federico II
Rosalia Ferraro
I am a Postdoctoral researcher at University of Naples Federico II, with an interest in Chemical Engineering.

BSc student, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Magdalena Georgieva
I am a BSc student in Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, in Telecommunication and Information Engineering. My interests are Telecommunication and Information Engineering, as well as Moon Communications.

BSc, University of Napoli Federico II
Ricardo Lanza
I am a BSc in Chemical Engineering and my interests are in Sustainable Chemical Engineering.

BSc student, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Matea Marinova
I am pursuing a major in Telecommunication and Information Engineering. My interests are Telecommunications and Information Engineering - Space Communications.

BSc student, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Sandra Pavleska
I am pursuing a major in Telecommunication and Information Engineering. My interests are Telecommunications and Information Engineering - Space Communications.

MSc candidate, University of Napoli Federico II
Agnese Pedato
I am a Master Student in Chemical Engineering in English Language, with a curriculum at Sustainable Engineering. My interests are Chemical Engineering.

MSc, University of Napoli Federico II
Irene Perna
I am a MSc in Chemical Engineering and my interests are Chemical Engineering - Biofilm in Space.

PhD student, University of Napoli Federico II
Eleonora Pero
I am a PhD student in product and process engineering. My interest are Chemical Engineering.

MSc student, University of Napoli Federico II
Moreno Rizzo
I am a MSc student in Molecular and Industrial Biotechnology and I am currently working as a thesis student in the laboratory of Prof. Sergio Caserta, focusing on a project related to European Space Agency’s space missions. My interest are bacteria and biofilms in space.

MSc student, University of Napoli Federico II
Mattia Sivero
I am a student majoring in materials engineering. I have done my thesis and internship at polymer chemistry laboratory at the Université Côte d'Azur.

BSc student, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Ana Sofronievska
I am an undergraduate student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, subfield Computer System Engineering, Automation and Robotics. My interest are Space exploration, Human Spaceflight, Space Communications.

BSc, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Anastasija Stefanovska
I am a BSc at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies. My interests are Space Communications.
Space Edu Alumnus 2023
Space Edu Alumnus have successfully completed the 2023 Summer Course on Space & Technology programme.